digital talk

AI for sustainable developmentAI

This activity is only available in italian

Ti proponiamo una sintesi di tre minuti dell'incontro con Emanuela Girardi che si è tenuto in STEP FuturAbility nell'ambito del programma scientifico culturale.

Artificial intelligence is a "general-purpose technology," one that can affect an entire economy and has the potential to alter societies and social structures. It is a very powerful set of tools that, if used well, can help us improve people's well-being and manage global challenges such as climate change and the energy transition. However, in order to be able to be use AI technologies safely and effectively, we need to clearly define the goals we would like to achieve and the target context.

Today, the United Nations 2030 Agenda with the 17 Sustainable Development Goals is the document endorsed by the largest number of countries in the world, as many as 193, so it is reasonable to propose the use of AI technologies to achieve the 17 Sustainable Development Goals.

The meeting will discuss how artificial intelligence technologies can be used to achieve the 17 Sustainable Development Goals, what the benefits are, the risks and how to manage them, and some practical cases of applications used in Italy and around the world to achieve sustainable development from economic, social and environmental perspectives.

Emanuela Girardi Girardi is the founder and president of Pop AI (Popular Artificial Intelligence), Member of the AI Expert Group of the MiSE (Ministry of Economic Development) that wrote the Italian strategy for artificial intelligence, Member of the Executive Board of AIxIA (Italian Association for Artificial Intelligence). Secretary of the IGF Italia Association (Internet Governance Forum). Board member of ADRA (AI Data and Robotics Association) working with the European Commission to implement the Horizon Europe 21-27 Programme. Member of the Advisory Board of CLAIRE (Confederation of Laboratories in AI Research in Europe). Coordinator of the CLAIRE Task Force on AI & COVID-19. Emanuela obtained her degree in Business Economics from Bocconi University and a CEMS master’s in International Management from the Louvain Catholic University in Belgium.

Programme appointments must be booked and this can be done online, subject to availability.