digital talk

A ready response: how to manage online and offline communication conflicts

This activity is only available in italian

Watch the recording of the meeting with Bruno Mastroianni that took place at STEP FuturAbility District as part of the scientific and cultural program. Content only available in Italian language.

"I like people who choose carefully the words not to say" said Alda Merini. This is the key to understanding the mistakes we make when we argue online and offline. What are the most typical missteps? Why do certain phrases get under our skin? How can we learn to listen to ourselves and others so we know when to intervene and how? Having a ready response is not magic. It’s an ability we can learn. As long as we recognise what not to say (and when not to say it).

Bruno Mastroianni. Philosopher, journalist and social media strategist for TV programs and cultural initiatives. He covers online arguments, conflicts and crisis communication ( He is an instructor of Theory and practice of digital argumentation at the University of Padua. He is the author of: “Storia sentimentale del telefono. Uno straordinario viaggio da Meucci all’Homo smartphonicus” (Il Saggiatore, 2022); “Litigando si impara. Disinnescare l’odio online con la disputa felice” (Cesati, 2020); “Tienilo acceso. Posta, commenta, condividi senza spegnere il cervello” (con Vera Gheno, Longanesi 2018); “La disputa felice. Dissentire senza litigare sui social network, sui media e in pubblico” (Cesati, 2017). 

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