Notice pursuant to Article 13 of EU Regulation 2016/679 (the “GDPR”) on the processing of personal data performed in connection with the distribution of STEP newsletters
STEP is a project 'inspired by Fastweb'. We therefore inform you that Fastweb is the “controller” of the personal data processing that, pursuant to the EU Regulation no. 679/2016 (“Regulation”), we carry out to offer you the best possible experience at STEP.
The security of your data is important to us and we want you to feel protected and informed at all times.
We want our relationship with you to be based on transparency and trust. We pursue these fundamental values in order to optimise your STEP experience.
STEP is a FuturAbility District, a space to connect with the future, where you can take an interactive tour to discover your "FuturAbility", i.e. your propensity for the future and the ongoing digital transformation.
You can also take part in our scientific and cultural events on digital issues, along with our Sunday workshops for families.
What data do we process?
The data we process is necessary in order for us to send out the newsletter:
For what purposes?
With your explicit and revocable consent, we will email you about STEP initiatives and those of its partner companies and send you updates on our scientific and cultural events.
In any case, you can opt out of receiving our emails at any time by clicking on the “Cancel your subscription” link present in every newsletter we send you.
There are no consequences should you decide to deny or withdraw your consent (the operations carried out before consent was withdrawn shall remain valid and lawful).
For how long?
Collected data will be stored for a maximum of 24 months unless you request its erasure using the contact details provided at the bottom of the page.
To whom can we communicate your data?
Your data may be communicated or transferred - also abroad, inside or outside the European Union, with respect for the rights and guarantees established by law.
If data is transferred outside the European Union, such transfers will be limited to countries that the EU Commission has decided have an adequate level of data protection or in any case subject to suitable safeguards according to EU Regulation no. 679/2016, artt. 46-47, for example binding corporate rules, standard data protection clauses, codes of conduct or certification mechanisms.
You may request information in this regard, including a copy of the data or indication of the place where the data was made available, by using the contact information at the bottom of this notice.
We may also disclose your data:
a) to any entities (including Public Authorities) who have access to personal data by virtue of regulatory or administrative measures;
b) to our supplier companies appointed as Data Processors (e.g. IT and electronic service providers, also cloud-based)
Security and the correct retention of your data are of fundamental importance to us to prevent unauthorised or illegal processing/destruction and the accidental loss of data. This is why processing is carried out in compliance with appropriate security measures, by Fastweb, as data controller, and by its external data processors. Data processing is carried out manually and/or electronically.
What are your rights?
You have the right to request access to your personal data, the rectification and erasure of your data and the limitation of processing concerning you, and to object to such processing in accordance with Articles 15-22 of EU Regulation 2016/679.
You have the right to object and withdraw your consent at any time, without this affecting the lawfulness of the processing based on the consent given prior to the withdrawal, by clicking on the “Cancel your subscription” link present in every newsletter we send you or by using the contact information at the bottom of this notice.
If you registered using the app or when purchasing tickets you can manage your consent and objections in your personal MySTEP area of the app or on our website steptothefuture.it
You also have the right to file complaints with the Data Protection Authority. Visit the website of the Data Protection Authority to find out more.
How can you exercise your rights?
To exercise your rights, the registered office of Fastweb S.p.A. is 1 Piazza Adriano Olivetti, 20139 Milan and you can write to the following addresses: Fastweb Ufficio Privacy Piazza Adriano Olivetti 1, 20139 Milan - Email address: privacy@fastweb.it. In accordance with Article 37 of EU Regulation 2016/679, we have also appointed a Data Protection Officer. The DPO may be contacted by e-mail - dpo@fastweb.it - or at the address Piazza Adriano Olivetti, 1, 20139 Milan.