future jobs

Digital security: the challenges and professions

This activity is only available in italian

Watch the recording of the meeting with Michele Colajanni, Danilo Bruschi and Marina Miserandino that took place at STEP FuturAbility District as part of the scientific and cultural program. Content only available in Italian language.

Digital technology plays an increasingly central role in our private and working lives and IT security has become essential for protecting personal, corporate and public sector data. Cybersecurity experts are among the most highly sought-after professionals on the job market.

But how do you prevent or defend against a cyber attack? What skills are aptitudes are required to access this type of profession? What training courses do you have to take to become an expert in IT security?

Michele Colajanni

Full professor of computer engineering since 2000, he has worked at the University of Bologna since 2021. He carries out his research in the area of both technological and managerial cybersecurity. His research interests extend to the planning and testing of scalable and resilient systems also through the use of big data analytics and machine learning tools.

Founder of the Cyber Academy for the training of ethical hackers and the Interdepartmental Research Centre on Security and Risk Prevention (CRIS) at the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, for a number of years he has worked with Bologna Business School where he directs a specialisation course on Cybersecurity Management. He coordinates various training and communication projects and initiatives on overcoming the digital divide, also in terms of gender. He is involved in many research and technology transfer projects at national and international level.

Danilo Bruschi

Full professor of Computer Science at the University of Milan where he also directs the Laboratory of Information and Network Security (LASER), he is director of the Master’s Degree in Cybersecurity and Chairman of the Degree Course in Information and Network Security.

He is honorary president of the Italian IT Security Association (CLUSIT), of which he is founder, was chairman of the Ministry of Communications Internet and Minors Supervisory Committee between 2003 and 2007, and was a member of the National Technical Committee for the Cyber and Telecommunications Security of Public Administration, set up by the Ministry of Innovation and Technology, between 2002 and 2006.

Marina Miserandino

Associate Partner at Horizon Security, she previously worked for consultancy companies and major businesses in the ICT sector, where she operated in business development and as a manager of projects focused on innovation, technological development and the optimisation of corporate processes in major client organisations. She has worked in the Finance market for many years, dealing closely with leading financial institutions, where she has acquired lots of experience and expertise in the development of governance models and in technological innovation projects applied to the areas of security and digital payments.

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