Prosperità e crescita economica

Dalle passioni alle professioni: come trovare la propria vocazione e farne un lavoro

04 July 2023
STEP Editorial Board

Guarda la registrazione dell'incontro con Giulio Xhaet che si è tenuto in STEP FuturAbility District nell'ambito del programma scientifico culturale.

Why has “expanding our talent” become so important in contemporary society and why is developing our strengths more important than addressing our weaknesses? Why are personal passions acquiring growing relevance as amplifiers of soft skills?

In an intergenerational professional scenario in which performance anxiety is on the rise and we have to learn to live with uncertainty, how can we find our calling? How can we identify our own personal purpose and align it with that of the company? 

The first "startup" launched by Giulio Xhaet was a rock band in which he played for ten years. He then discovered the digital culture. He has published numerous essays, including Da grande - Non è mai troppo tardi per capire chi potresti diventare, #Contaminati and Digital Skills, and the novel I sogni di Martino Sterio. Partner of the Newton Spa Group, where he develops innovation courses for big businesses, since 2023 he has been in charge of the Group’s external communications. Coordinator of the Digital Master’s course for the Sole24Ore Business School, LinkedIn Top Voice 2023 on Professions of the Future. Combining writing with training is what makes him happiest.