
From substance to form: is the what or the how more important?

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Guarda la registrazione dell'incontro con Lorenzo Ferrari che si è tenuto in STEP FuturAbility District nell'ambito del programma scientifico culturale.

The world of communication has seen some significant changes in recent years. New technologies have revolutionised the way we send and receive information: television brought news directly into homes, the internet opened the door to unprecedented global connectivity, social media changed content creation and sharing. Today, we are living in an era where the paradigms of communication are constantly shifting and we therefore have to wonder: what is more important? The form of the message or its content? The aim is to encourage reflection on the balance between substance and form, inviting people to consider the impact of their communication choices in today's context.

Lorenzo Ferrari is a marketing and communication professional, entrepreneur, speaker and content creator expert on LinkedIn.
In 2019, when he was still a university student, he took on a personal challenge and started to create content every day on LinkedIn until he quickly became a reference point for tens of thousands of professionals of different ages and roles.
In 2020, he worked in the communications sector for a number of companies and in the meantime, motivated by a desire to get involved, he set up projects that would later become big social communities in the world of marketing: two years later, one of these would become a digital marketing agency, smarTalks.
In 2021, after graduating from university, he took the stage at his first TEDx and became one of the youngest speakers at TED events in Italy, and shortly afterwards he became LinkedIn's most popular Under 30 speaker. While this was happening, he continued to work in the world of communications for third-party companies, but at the beginning of 2022 he decided to devote himself entirely to his company, which became one of his many jobs.
In 2023 he was interviewed by Millionaire as a marketing expert and was included by Fortune in the list of the 25 most interesting content creators in Italy. In 2024 he began writing a book with Solferino RCS MediaGroup.