
Privacy Policy App STEP FuturAbility District

Information pursuant to Article 13 of EU Regulation 2016/679 (the ‘GDPR’) on the processing of personal data within the context of participation in STEP events

STEP is a project ‘inspired by Fastweb’. We therefore inform you that Fastweb is the ‘controller’ of the personal data processing that, pursuant to the EU Regulation 2016/679 (the ‘Regulation’), we carry out to offer you the best possible experience at STEP.

The security of your data is important to us and we want you to feel protected and informed at all times.

We want our relationship with you to be based on transparency and trust. We believe these are fundamental values and we uphold them to ensure we give you our best during your STEP experience.

STEP is an interactive experience. In order to get in touch with the environment around you, you will need to use the STEP FuturAbility District app on your smartphone. You can also use the STEP app as a guest.

All the data collected via the app during your visit will allow you to discover your ‘FuturAbility’, i.e. your readiness for the future and the digital transformation that is underway, as well as the advice we have thought up for you, and will be processed by us anonymously for statistical purposes only. If you have registered, you can access your MySTEP reserved area which accessible through the app or our website to save your FuturAbility and check out all the content saved during your STEP experience at any time. This content will be stored for 2 years after your last login to the app.

The permissions we need:

The STEP app will request geolocation permissions and will use your location once inside STEP to interact with installations via Bluetooth.

The data we process:

The data we process are the ones you provided during your registration via the STEP app: your first and last name, your e-mail address, your postal code, your age and, if applicable, your telephone number. Please note that some data are generated directly or indirectly by the app during your visit depending on your interactions with STEP.

If you are under 18 or part of a school group visit we do not ask you to register, but we just collect your e-mail address to send you your ‘FuturAbility’ and the tips we tailored for you. In this case we keep your data for a maximum of 72 hours from the date of your visit; after this time your data will be automatically deleted.

The purposes we use your data for:

  1. You will be able to access your MySTEP private area via the app or our website to save your ‘FuturAbility’ and check out all the content saved during your STEP experience at any time. This content will be stored for two years after your last login to the app.
  2. To allow you to participate to STEP and provide you with all the information related to your STEP experience.
  3. With your optional, explicit and revocable consent, we may use your data to inform you about other STEP initiatives and those of its partner companies and to keep you updated on our scientific and cultural events.
  4. Moreover, with your consent, which is optional, explicit and revocable at any time, we can also keep you updated on services, offers and products from Fastweb and its partner companies, offering you benefits and promotions.

Consent for the data processing described in points 3) and 4) above is optional and it will enable you to receive informational or commercial communications from STEP and Fastweb. You may decide whether to give or withdraw each individual consent at any time.

In any case, there will be no consequences in case you deny or withdraw your consent (however, the operations carried out before the consent was withdrawn remain valid and lawful). Please bear in mind that communications may be sent by e-mail, text message, app notifications and phone, and you may always exercise your right to object to said communications as set out below.


In the absence of the additional consent referred to points 3) or 4), the data relating to point 2) will only be kept for the period strictly necessary to allow you to participate in the STEP experience and, in any case, not more than 72 hours after your participation.

The data referred to in points 3) and 4) will be kept for a maximum period of 24 months.

Who can we share your data with?

In order to provide the app service, we use a selected third-party provider that manages the app (Clonwerk S.r.l. Via Parenzo 2, 20143 Milan). Your data will not be disclosed to other parties within or outside the European Union.

We may also disclose your data:

a) to any entities (including Public Authorities) who have access to personal data by virtue of regulatory or administrative measures;

b) to third-party partner companies of our data processors for the sole purpose of properly delivering the services purchased through the STEP website and app.

Security and a correct retention of your data are of fundamental importance to us, in order to prevent unauthorised or illegal processing of your data and their destruction or accidental loss. This is why the processing is carried out in compliance with appropriate security measures by Fastweb, as the data controller, and by its external data processors (e.g. the app provider). The processing is carried out manually and/or electronically.

What are your rights?

You have the right to request access to your personal data, their rectification and deletion, the restriction of processing concerning you and to object to such processing in accordance with Articles 15-22 of EU Regulation 2016/679.

As mentioned above, with respect to information processing for promotional and commercial purposes (purposes 3) and 4)), you have the right to object and withdraw your consent at any time, without this affecting the lawfulness of the processing based on the consent given prior to the withdrawal. You may withdraw your consent from your personal MySTEP area of the app or on our website, or by contacting the points of contact indicated below.

You also have the right to send a complaint to the Personal Data Protection Authority. You can find information on how to do so on the Authority’s website.

Who can you contact?

You can manage your consent and objections in your personal MySTEP area of the app or on our website

In any case, to exercise your rights, please consider that Fastweb S.p.A. registered office is located in Piazza Adriano Olivetti 1, 20139 Milan and that you can write to the following addresses: Fastweb Ufficio Privacy Piazza Adriano Olivetti 1, 20139 Milan - E-mail: In accordance with Article 37 of EU Regulation 2016/679, we have appointed a Data Protection Officer. Their contact details are: email -, address - Piazza Adriano Olivetti 1, 20139 Milan.