

Proiezione e conversazione
This activity is only available in italian

Her, 2013, directed by Spike Jonze with Joaquin Phoenix and Scarlett Johansson
Massimo Temporelli will be moderating the debate after the screening
accompanied by Luisella Giani and Rocco Tanica

STEP is presenting a special evening dedicated to the film “Her”, directed by visionary Spike Jonze, with the participation of special guests and moderated by Massimo Temporelli.  

The film, a masterpiece of modern cinematography, tells the story of Theodore Twombly, played by Joaquin Phoenix, a lonely man who develops an emotional relationship with Samantha, an intelligent operating system with the voice of Scarlett Johansson. Samantha's voice in the Italian version is that of actress Micaela Ramazzotti, which adds an extra layer of depth and realism to the character.  

During the gathering, the audience will have the opportunity to explore the themes addressed in the film, such as the concept of artificial intelligence and its impact on society and the increasing interaction between humans and digital assistants. But the role and importance of voice and dubbing in cinema will also be discussed, as well as the relationship between man and machine.  

Led by Massimo Temporelli, guests Rocco Tanica, a well-known musician and author, and Luisella Giani, a scholar of artificial intelligence, will offer their valuable perspectives and analyses. The discussion will focus on the technological and scientific implications in the film, highlighting how “Her” deals with current affairs and news. 

The evening will end with an debate, during which the audience is invited to participate with questions and reflections.   

For those who wish to explore the topics covered in the film a little further, a podcast by Massimo Temporelli will be available that will extend the discussion beyond the event.

Want to know more?


With the Tech, si gira! card, you get access to the special six-part in-depth podcast created by Massimo Temporelli exclusively for the film festival. The card also gives you the chance to visit the interactive STEP FuturAbility District at no extra cost!

Listen to the trailer!

Audio file
Discussion with
Massimo Temporelli
Physicist and scientific adviser

Massimo Temporelli is 50 years old and holds a degree in Physics; he has worked as a curator at the National Science and Technology Museum of Milan for 10 years. Today, he is a digital fabrication entrepreneur, consultant and keynote speaker on innovation, with a particular focus on the human-technology relationship with all the anthropological and sociological repercussions that this relationship entails and will entail. 

He is chairman and co-founder of TheFabLab, a digital fabrication lab headquartered in Milan. He was a TEDx speaker in 2012 (Florence) and 2020 (Turin). He has appeared on popular science television programmes for Sky and Rai. He is the author and voice of the popular podcast F***ing Genius ( He writes for the magazines Wired and Millionaire and his latest book is entitled Noi siamo tecnologia (Mondadori, Strade blu, 2021). In 2016 he won the “Federico Faggin Innovation Award”. He has been an AIRC ambassador since 2017

Luisella Giani
Head of Digital Enterprise Advisory for Europe and the Middle East for Avanade 

As Head of Digital Enterprise Advisory for Europe and the Middle East for Avanade, is a leading figure in the world of digital innovation. With a degree in Artificial Intelligence, she has held various positions, ranging from product development to general management for iconic online brands such as Skype, Netlog and Lycos. She has led the digital transformation for multinational companies such as Yellow Pages, Goodyear-Dunlop and DuPont Coating. In recent years, she has taken on executive leadership roles at EMEA level for Oracle, whilst continuing to contribute significantly to the digital evolution of major Fortune 500 companies. Luisella's dedication and talent have been recognised with numerous awards, including the prestigious title of 'Technovisionary' in 2021 and recognition as 'Unstoppable Woman' for three consecutive years. At Avanade, Luisella's role is to help companies innovate and bring their most ambitious projects to fruition

Rocco Tanica
Musician, author and member of Elio e le Storie Tese

Rocco Tanica (Milan, 1964), is a pianist, musical, theatre and television author, comedian and member of Elio e le Storie Tese; he appears in the cast of the films “Il cielo è sempre più blu” and “Asini”, directed by Antonello Grimaldi, and in the TV dramas “La dottoressa Giò 3” and “La compagnia del cigno”, directed by Ivan Cotroneo. Author of “Lo sbiancamento dell’anima” (Mondadori, 2019), the first book ever written with artificial intelligence, “Non siamo mai stati sulla Terra” (Il Saggiatore, 2022), and “Scritti scelti male” (La nave di Teseo, 2023). He lives and works in Milan.