
Big Hero 6

Proiezione e conversazione
This activity is only available in italian

Big Hero 6, 2014, directed by Don Hall (II) and Chris Williams with Ryan Potter, Scott Adsit, T.J. Miller, Jamie Chung, Daniel Henney, Damon Wayans Jr. 
Massimo Temporelli will be moderating the debate after the screening
accompanied by Giorgio Metta and Paolo Rocco.

STEP is presenting a special evening dedicated to the film “Big Hero 6”, from Don Hall and Chris Williams.  

“Big Hero 6” is an animated film that immerses the viewer in the world of advanced robotics, exploring themes such as social robotics, collaborative robots and soft robotics. The film offers a fascinating insight into technological evolution and its impact on the future. In “Big Hero 6”, technology is presented as a tool for progress, innovation and support that can improve people's lives. “Big Hero 6” has a utopian, not a dystopian vision of technology.  

After watching the film, the discussion will focus on the intersection of technology, science and their practical applications in our society.

Led by Massimo Temporelli, the guests, Giorgio Metta and Paolo Rocco, two true luminaries, will share their knowledge and analysis on the issues brought to light by the Disney film, recounting the state of the art and the next steps in their discipline and discussing the importance of robotics in everyday life and its potential evolution.  

The audience will then have the opportunity to interact and contribute to the debate, enriching the experience with questions and reflections. 

For those who wish to explore the topics covered in the film a little further, a podcast by Massimo Temporelli will be available that will extend the discussion beyond the event.

Vuoi saperne di più?


With the Tech, si gira! card, you get access to the special six-part in-depth podcast created by Massimo Temporelli exclusively for the film festival. The card also gives you the chance to visit the interactive STEP FuturAbility District at no extra cost!

Listen to the trailer!

Audio file
Discussion with
Massimo Temporelli
Physicist and scientific adviser

Massimo Temporelli is 50 years old and holds a degree in Physics; he has worked as a curator at the National Science and Technology Museum of Milan for 10 years. Today, he is a digital fabrication entrepreneur, consultant and keynote speaker on innovation, with a particular focus on the human-technology relationship with all the anthropological and sociological repercussions that this relationship entails and will entail. 

He is chairman and co-founder of TheFabLab, a digital fabrication lab headquartered in Milan. He was a TEDx speaker in 2012 (Florence) and 2020 (Turin). He has appeared on popular science television programmes for Sky and Rai. He is the author and voice of the popular podcast F***ing Genius ( He writes for the magazines Wired and Millionaire and his latest book is entitled Noi siamo tecnologia (Mondadori, Strade blu, 2021). In 2016 he won the “Federico Faggin Innovation Award”. He has been an AIRC ambassador since 2017.

Paolo Rocco

Paolo Rocco is Full Professor of Automation and Robotics and member of the Board of Directors of the Politecnico di Milano. He is a board member of associations active in robotics at European and Italian level, and scientific head of the project area in the MADE Industry 4.0 Competence Centre. At the Politecnico di Milano, he leads the Merlin research group, which is involved in industrial and collaborative robotics.

Giorgio Metta
Scientific Director at IIT

Giorgio Metta da settembre 2019 è il Direttore Scientifico dell’Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia (IIT). Robotico di fama internazionale ed esperto di intelligenza artificiale, ha conseguito un Master con lode e un dottorato di ricerca in ingegneria elettronica, è stato associato post-dottorato presso l’AI-Lab del Massachusetts Institute of Technology, professore di Robotica Cognitiva all’università di Plymouth e membro del consiglio di amministrazione di euRobotics aisbl, associazione di riferimento per la robotica europea. Recentemente Metta ha coordinato la partecipazione a due dei centri di competenza del MISE per l'industria 4.0 (ARTES4.0, START4.0) ed è stato uno dei tre rappresentanti italiani al forum G7 sull'intelligenza artificiale del 2018 e uno degli autori dell'Agenda Strategica Italiana sull’IA. Giorgio Metta ha seguito e coordinato lo sviluppo del robot iCub per oltre un decennio rendendolo, di fatto, la piattaforma di riferimento per la ricerca nell'IA.